Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sick Obsession

Being the creepy kind of freak I am, I have always been strangely fascinated, drawn if you will, to graveyards. I love to walk around and just take in the beauty. I truly think that people completely miss the silent beauty in the midst of their grief.

I have a lot of strange obsessions, but walking around graveyards, taking photos has got to be in the top 5. I have numerous reason why I like to do this. Its quiet, undisturbed. If you go around dusk, the feeling is incredible. So still, yet so unsettled. You can feel the presence of a quiet tension. You know you are in the midst of unfinished business. You know you might be disturbing someone, or something.

There is always a bit of a thrill when I go to a graveyard. One too many zombie movies has given the exhilarating feeling of knowing that hands might burst through the ground at any given moment, ready to drag you to be their next meal. Or even better, straight to the depths of hell.

Any true creepster connoisseur knows that the ultimate experience would be to actually see an apparition. Or, even better to speak to one. Yet another reason I like to go, is I like to imagine what the deceased my have done or been in their life. I also like to imagine they are sitting right next to me, gazing at their headstone and feeling the mixture of fresh grass and dirt beneath me.

As soon as it cools off here (Hey, I'm pure evil and very wicked, I may melt) I'm planning on visiting a few historic cemeteries.

One of the ones I am most excited about is the Arizona State Hospital Cemetery. Formerly known as the Arizona Insane Asylum. I could not find a single picture of the graveyard, only a sketch of the hospital, but its delightfully Gothic and creepy looking. And it was filled with Psychopaths. Could this get any better?

The Insane Asylum of Arizona opened in January, 1887. Alongside it, they built a small cemetery. The "All Souls Cemetery" holds 2400 graves, going back to 1888.

So, as you can see, it should be delightfully creepy. I can hardly contain my doom and gloom over the event.

If you would like to haunt your local historic cemeteries, please follow this link.....

Good night, and horrid nightmares,


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